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- /*
- * The GAP Conjurer (C)1999 Peter Bengtsson
- *
- * History:
- *
- * 22/4-1999: v1.0
- *
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "data/bs_c.c"
- #include "data/bm_c.c"
- #include "data/bv_c.c"
- #include "data/sk_c.c"
- #include "data/report_h.c"
- #include "data/report_c.c"
- #include "data/mk.c"
- const char *__v__="$VER: GAP-Conjurer 1.0 (22.4.99) ©1999 Peter Bengtsson";
- /* #define CLEAR "\x1b" "c" */
- #define CLEAR "\x1b[H\x1b[J"
- #define TF(x) ((x)?"TRUE":"FALSE")
- #define DIR_SEPARATOR '/'
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define CURRENT_DIR ""
- #else
- #define CURRENT_DIR "."
- #endif
- #define Rnd(a) (rand()%a)
- #define InitRand(a) srand((unsigned int)a)
- #define YES 'Y'
- #define NO 'N'
- #define DEFY "[Y/n]"
- #define DEFN "[y/N]"
- #define MN_IGN 0
- #define MN_STR 1
- #define MN_INT 2
- #define MN_BOL 3
- #define WIZFLG_PLOT (1<<0)
- #define WIZFLG_PSPLOT (1<<1)
- #define WIZFLG_MPASS (1<<2)
- #define DEF_GENERATIONS 10
- #define DEF_BRVLEN 3
- #define DEF_NAME "Manhattan"
- #define NUM_DEFNAMES 11
- char *includes[] = {
- "stdio",
- "stdlib",
- "string",
- "math",
- "time",
- "GAP",
- };
- char *SelectNames[] = {
- "Double Random",
- "Fitness Proportionate",
- "Sigma Scaled",
- "Tournament",
- "Inorder",
- "Boltzmann",
- "Universal",
- };
- char *RepDefs[] = {
- "MAX",
- "MIN",
- };
- char *RepNames[] = {
- "Average",
- "Median",
- "Typecount",
- "Maximum",
- "Minimum",
- "Standard Deviation"
- };
- char *RepExts[] = {
- "avg",
- "med",
- "typ",
- "max",
- "min",
- "dev"
- };
- char *SelectDefs[] = {
- "SIGMA",
- };
- char *CrossoverNames[] = {
- "Singlepoint",
- "Multipoint",
- "Custom",
- };
- char *InitNames[] = {
- "Random init",
- "Zero init",
- "Custom init",
- };
- char *CLNames[] = {
- "None",
- "Normal",
- "Verbose",
- "Irritating",
- "Overwhelming",
- };
- char **CLMenu = CLNames;
- #define PTYPE_Bitstring 0
- #define PTYPE_Bitmatrix 1
- #define PTYPE_BRVector 2
- #define PTYPE_Custom 3
- char *GenomeNames[] = {
- "Bitstring",
- "Bitmatrix",
- "Bounded double vector",
- "Custom",
- };
- char **GenomeMenu = GenomeNames;
- char *DefNames[] = {
- "Tourist",
- "Hacker",
- "Gnome",
- "Borg",
- "Bug",
- "Zool",
- "Ghost",
- "Hobbit",
- "Haddock",
- "Dinosaur",
- "Polyphant",
- };
- struct VDisp {
- int Type;
- long Val;
- };
- char *Menu1[] = {
- "Project parameters",
- "Population parameters",
- "Make project",
- "Save configuration",
- "Load configuration",
- "Quit",
- };
- char *PrParms[] = {
- "Project name",
- "No. of populations",
- "Comment level",
- "Multiple sourcefiles",
- "GNUPlot script",
- "PostScript plots",
- "Exit",
- };
- struct VDisp PrVals[] = {
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_IGN,0}
- };
- char *PoParms[] = {
- "Change name",
- "Change size",
- "Genome type",
- "Environment parameters",
- "Report parameters",
- "Exit",
- };
- struct VDisp PoVals[] = {
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_IGN,0},
- {MN_IGN,0},
- {MN_IGN,0}
- };
- char *Flags[] = {
- "Init type",
- "Selection method",
- "Crossover",
- "Crowding",
- "Mutation",
- "Pre-mutate",
- "Elitism",
- "Dump worst",
- "Init dumped",
- "Newbies",
- "Erase best",
- "Make stats",
- "Exit",
- };
- char *FlagTags[] = {
- "EVL_Evaluator",
- "EVL_Select",
- "EVL_Crosser",
- "EVL_Crowding",
- "EVL_Mutator",
- "EVL_PreMutate",
- "EVL_Elite",
- "EVL_Dump",
- "EVL_InitDumped",
- "EVL_Newbies",
- "EVL_EraseBest",
- "EVL_Stats"
- };
- struct VDisp FlagVals[] = {
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_STR,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_IGN,0}
- };
- char *RFlagMenu[] = {
- "Average",
- "Median",
- "Typecount",
- "Max",
- "Min",
- "Standard Deviation",
- "Toggle All",
- "Runs to average",
- "Exit",
- };
- struct VDisp RFlagVals[] = {
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_BOL,0},
- {MN_IGN,0},
- {MN_INT,0},
- {MN_IGN,0}
- };
- struct NPop {
- char *Name;
- int Size;
- int Type;
- int Flags[12];
- int RFlags[6];
- };
- struct {
- char *Name;
- int NumPops,CLevel;
- struct NPop *Pops;
- int rep,sep,flags,pass;
- } Project;
- char *MOTD;
- int mcount(char **);
- int menu(char *,char **,struct VDisp *);
- int msg(char *);
- int int_query(char *,int);
- char *str_query(char *,char *);
- int bool_query(char *,int);
- void save_template(char *);
- void load_template(char *);
- void save_pop(FILE *,struct NPop);
- void load_pop(FILE *,int);
- void create_project(char *);
- char *addpart(char *,char *);
- void filtdump(FILE *,char *,int);
- int file_write(char *);
- int main(int cnt,char *arg[])
- {
- char z,buf[255],*tmenu[16],*p;
- int i,n;
- InitRand(time(NULL));
- Project.Name=malloc(strlen(DEF_NAME)+1);
- strcpy(Project.Name,DEF_NAME);
- Project.NumPops=1;
- Project.Pops = NULL;
- Project.CLevel = 1;
- PrVals[0].Val = (long)Project.Name;
- PrVals[1].Val = 1;
- PrVals[2].Val = (long)CLNames[1];
- PrVals[3].Val = 0;
- Project.sep=0;
- Project.Pops = malloc(sizeof(struct NPop));
- memset(Project.Pops,0,sizeof(struct NPop));
- Project.Pops[0].Name = malloc(10);
- strcpy(Project.Pops[0].Name,"Polyphant");
- Project.Pops[0].Flags[4] = 1; /* Do mutate */
- Project.Pops[0].Size = 20;
- Project.flags=0;
- Project.pass=1;
- MOTD = malloc(1024);
- strcpy(MOTD,"Welcome.");
- switch(cnt) {
- case 1:
- z=msg(CLEAR "\nWelcome! This is the GAP Conjurer.\n\nConjure a skeleton? " DEFY " : ");
- break;
- case 2:
- if(strcmp(arg[1],"-h") || strcmp(arg[1],"--help")) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s [Template] [Dest. Dir]\n",arg[0]);
- goto tixE;
- }
- load_template(arg[1]);
- z = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- load_template(arg[1]);
- create_project(arg[2]);
- goto tixE;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"%s [Template] [Dest. Dir]\n",arg[0]);
- goto tixE;
- }
- if(toupper(z)!=NO) {
- do {
- i=menu("Main Menu",Menu1,NULL);
- switch(i) {
- case 1:
- do {
- i = menu("Project parameters",PrParms,PrVals);
- switch(i) {
- case 1: /* Project Name */
- free(Project.Name);
- Project.Name = str_query("Project name [" DEF_NAME "] ?",DEF_NAME);
- PrVals[0].Val = (long)Project.Name;
- sprintf(MOTD,"Project name is now %s.",Project.Name);
- break;
- case 2: /* # of pops */
- i = int_query("How many populations in project [1] ?",1);
- if(i>0) {
- for(n=0;n!=Project.NumPops;n++) {
- if(Project.Pops[n].Name!=NULL) {
- free(Project.Pops[n].Name);
- }
- }
- Project.NumPops = i;
- PrVals[1].Val = Project.NumPops;
- if(Project.Pops!=NULL) free(Project.Pops);
- Project.Pops = malloc(Project.NumPops*sizeof(struct NPop));
- memset(Project.Pops,0,Project.NumPops*sizeof(struct NPop));
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- sprintf(buf,"Name for population #%d [%s]? :",i,DefNames[(i+n)%NUM_DEFNAMES]);
- Project.Pops[i].Name = str_query(buf,DefNames[(i+n)%NUM_DEFNAMES]);
- Project.Pops[i].Flags[4] = 1; /* Do mutate */
- Project.Pops[i].Size = 20;
- }
- }
- sprintf(MOTD,"%d populations created.",Project.NumPops);
- break;
- case 3: /* Comment level */
- Project.CLevel = menu("Comment level",CLMenu,NULL)-1;
- PrVals[2].Val = (long)CLNames[Project.CLevel];
- sprintf(MOTD,"Comment level set to %s.",CLNames[Project.CLevel]);
- break;
- case 4:
- Project.sep^=1;
- PrVals[3].Val^=1;
- break;
- case 5:
- Project.flags ^= WIZFLG_PLOT;
- PrVals[4].Val = Project.flags&WIZFLG_PLOT;
- break;
- case 6:
- Project.flags ^= WIZFLG_PSPLOT;
- PrVals[5].Val = Project.flags&WIZFLG_PSPLOT;
- break;
- }
- } while(i!=mcount(PrParms));
- i=1;
- break;
- case 2: /* Pop params */
- if(Project.NumPops>0) {
- do {
- if(Project.NumPops>1) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- tmenu[i] = Project.Pops[i].Name;
- }
- tmenu[i] = "Exit";
- tmenu[i+1] = 0;
- n = menu("Select Population",tmenu,NULL)-1;
- if(n==(mcount(tmenu)-1)) {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- n = 0;
- }
- PoVals[0].Val = (long)Project.Pops[n].Name;
- PoVals[1].Val = Project.Pops[n].Size;
- PoVals[2].Val = (long)GenomeNames[Project.Pops[n].Type];
- do {
- sprintf(buf,"Parameters for %s population",Project.Pops[n].Name);
- i = menu(buf,PoParms,PoVals);
- switch(i) {
- case 1: /* Name */
- strcpy(buf,Project.Pops[n].Name);
- free(Project.Pops[n].Name);
- Project.Pops[n].Name = str_query("New name: ",buf);
- PoVals[0].Val = (long)Project.Pops[n].Name;
- sprintf(MOTD,"Name changed to %s.",Project.Pops[n].Name);
- break;
- case 2: /* Size */
- sprintf(buf,"New population size [%d]? : ",Project.Pops[n].Size);
- Project.Pops[n].Size = int_query(buf,Project.Pops[n].Size);
- PoVals[1].Val = Project.Pops[n].Size;
- sprintf(MOTD,"Size changed to %d.",Project.Pops[n].Size);
- break;
- case 3: /* Genome type */
- i = menu("Select genome type",GenomeMenu,NULL);
- Project.Pops[n].Type = i-1;
- PoVals[2].Val=(long)GenomeNames[i-1];
- sprintf(MOTD,"Genome type set to %s.",GenomeNames[i-1]);
- break;
- case 4: /* Flags */
- sprintf(buf,"Flags for %s population",Project.Pops[n].Name);
- do {
- FlagVals[0].Val = (long)InitNames[Project.Pops[n].Flags[0]];
- FlagVals[1].Val = (long)SelectNames[Project.Pops[n].Flags[1]];
- FlagVals[2].Val = (long)CrossoverNames[Project.Pops[n].Flags[2]];
- FlagVals[3].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[3];
- FlagVals[4].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[4];
- FlagVals[5].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[5];
- FlagVals[6].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[6];
- FlagVals[7].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[7];
- FlagVals[8].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[8];
- FlagVals[9].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[9];
- FlagVals[10].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[10];
- FlagVals[11].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[11];
- FlagVals[12].Val = Project.Pops[n].Flags[12];
- i = menu(buf,Flags,FlagVals);
- switch(i) {
- case 1: /* Init */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[0] = menu("Select initialization type",InitNames,NULL)-1;
- break;
- case 2: /* Select */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[1] = menu("Select selection type",SelectNames,NULL)-1;
- break;
- case 3: /* Crossover */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[2] = menu("Select crossover type",CrossoverNames,NULL)-1;
- break;
- case 4: /* Crowding */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[3] ^= 1;
- break;
- case 5: /* Mutation */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[4] ^= 1;
- break;
- case 6: /* Pre-Mutation */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[5] ^= 1;
- break;
- case 7: /* Elitism */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[6] = int_query("Elite individuals [0]?",0);
- break;
- case 8: /* Dump Worst */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[7] = int_query("Individuals to remove [0]?",0);
- break;
- case 9: /* Init Dumped */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[8] ^= 1;
- break;
- case 10: /* Newbies */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[9] = int_query("Individuals to regenerate [0]?",0);
- break;
- case 11: /* Erase Best */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[10] ^= 1;
- break;
- case 12: /* Make Stats */
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[11] ^= 1;
- break;
- }
- } while(i!=mcount(Flags));
- break;
- case 5: /* Report */
- sprintf(buf,"Report generation for %s population",Project.Pops[n].Name);
- do {
- for(i=0;i!=6;i++) {
- RFlagVals[i].Val = Project.Pops[n].RFlags[i];
- }
- RFlagVals[7].Val = Project.pass;
- i = menu(buf,RFlagMenu,RFlagVals);
- switch(i) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 6:
- Project.Pops[n].RFlags[i-1]^=1;
- break;
- case 7:
- for(i=0;i!=6;i++) {
- Project.Pops[n].RFlags[i]^=1;
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- Project.flags &= ~WIZFLG_MPASS;
- i = int_query("Take average of how many passes [1] ?",1);
- if(i>1) {
- Project.flags |= WIZFLG_MPASS;
- Project.pass = i;
- } else {
- i = 1;
- }
- RFlagVals[7].Val = i;
- Project.pass = i;
- break;
- }
- } while(i!=mcount(RFlagMenu));
- for(i=0;i!=6;i++) {
- if(Project.Pops[n].RFlags[i]!=0 && Project.Pops[n].Flags[11]==0) {
- Project.Pops[n].Flags[11] = 1;
- strcpy(MOTD,"Auto-enabled statistics.");
- break;
- }
- }
- i=0;
- break;
- }
- } while(i!=mcount(PoParms));
- } while(Project.NumPops>1);
- } else {
- strcpy(MOTD,"Too few populations.");
- msg("Please set number of populations >= 1. [ENTER]");
- }
- i=2;
- break;
- case 3: /* Make project */
- sprintf(buf,"Destination directory? [%s]? : ",CURRENT_DIR);
- p = str_query(buf,CURRENT_DIR);
- create_project(p);
- free(p);
- break;
- case 4: /* Save */
- sprintf(buf,"Save as [%s]? : ",Project.Name);
- p = str_query(buf,Project.Name);
- save_template(p);
- free(p);
- break;
- case 5: /* Load */
- p = str_query("Load project [" DEF_NAME "]? : ",DEF_NAME);
- load_template(p);
- free(p);
- break;
- case 6: /* Quit */
- if(!bool_query("Really quit " DEFN "? :",NO)) {
- i=0;
- }
- break;
- } /* switch() */
- } while(i!=mcount(Menu1));
- } else {
- printf("Too bad.\n");
- }
- tixE:;
- if(Project.Pops!=NULL) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- if(Project.Pops[i].Name!=NULL) {
- free(Project.Pops[i].Name);
- }
- }
- free(Project.Pops);
- }
- if(Project.Name!=NULL) {
- free(Project.Name);
- }
- if(MOTD) {
- free(MOTD);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int menu(char *title,char **items,struct VDisp *vs)
- {
- int i,n;
- char buf[255];
- do {
- printf(CLEAR "\n \x1b[4m%s\x1b[0m\n\n",title);
- i=0;
- while(items[i]!=NULL) {
- printf(" %2d) %-24s",i+1,items[i]);
- if(vs!=NULL) {
- switch(vs[i].Type) {
- case MN_IGN:
- break;
- case MN_INT:
- printf("(%ld)",vs[i].Val);
- break;
- case MN_STR:
- if(vs[i].Val!=0) {
- printf("(%s)",(char *)vs[i].Val);
- }
- break;
- case MN_BOL:
- printf("(%s)",(vs[i].Val)?"Yes":"No");
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"menu: BUG!\n");
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- i++;
- }
- printf("\n==> ");
- if(MOTD!=NULL) {
- printf("\n\nLast Message: %s\n\x1b[3A\x1b[4C",MOTD);
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- fgets(buf,255,stdin);
- n = atol(buf);
- } while(n<1 || n>i);
- printf("\x1b[J");fflush(stdout);
- return(n);
- }
- int msg(char *m)
- {
- char buf[255];
- fflush(stdin);
- printf(m);
- fflush(stdout);
- fgets(buf,255,stdin);
- return((int)buf[0]);
- }
- int int_query(char *m,int def)
- {
- int i;
- char buf[255],*p;
- fflush(stdin);
- printf(m);
- fflush(stdout);
- fgets(buf,255,stdin);
- i = strtol(buf,&p,0);
- if(p==buf) {
- i = def;
- }
- return(i);
- }
- char *str_query(char *m,char *def)
- {
- char buf[255],*p;
- printf(m);
- fflush(stdout);
- fgets(buf,255,stdin);
- if(buf[0]=='\n') {
- if(def!=NULL) {
- strcpy(buf,def);
- } else {
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- if(strchr(buf,'\n')!=NULL) {
- strchr(buf,'\n')[0]=0;
- }
- p = malloc(strlen(buf)+1);
- strcpy(p,buf);
- return(p);
- }
- int mcount(char **s)
- {
- int i;
- i = -1;
- while(s[++i]!=0);
- return(i);
- }
- int bool_query(char *s,int d)
- {
- int v;
- v = msg(s);
- switch(d) {
- case YES:
- if(toupper(v)!=NO) {
- v=1;
- }
- break;
- case NO:
- if(toupper(v)!=YES) {
- v=0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"bool_query: BUG!\n");
- }
- return(v);
- }
- void save_template(char *fname)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- struct stat State;
- int r,i;
- r=stat(fname,&State);
- if(r==0) {
- if(bool_query("File exists, overwrite? [y/N] : ",NO)) {
- errno=ENOENT;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- strcpy(MOTD,"Error while saving project template.");
- if(errno==ENOENT) {
- fp = fopen(fname,"wb");
- if(fp!=NULL) {
- fprintf(fp,"This file is a product of the Frobozz Magic File Company.\n\n");
- fprintf(fp,"Project: %s\n",Project.Name);
- fprintf(fp,"Populations: %d\n",Project.NumPops);
- fprintf(fp,"CommentLevel: %d\n",Project.CLevel);
- fprintf(fp,"Multisource: %d\n",Project.sep);
- fprintf(fp,"Storyline: %d\n",Project.flags);
- fprintf(fp,"Passcount: %d\n\n",Project.pass);
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- save_pop(fp,Project.Pops[i]);
- }
- strcpy(MOTD,"Project template saved.");
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- msg("save_template: General forseen non-fatal error occured. [ENTER]");
- }
- } else {
- msg("save_template: General forseen non-fatal error occured. [ENTER]");
- }
- return;
- }
- void save_pop(FILE *fp,struct NPop pop)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf(fp,"And now, the %s\n",pop.Name);
- fprintf(fp,"\t%d,%d,",pop.Size,pop.Type);
- for(i=0;i!=12;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%d,",pop.Flags[i]);
- }
- for(i=0;i!=6;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%d,",pop.RFlags[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"*\n\n");
- }
- void load_template(char *fname)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- struct stat State;
- int r,i;
- char buf[255];
- r=stat(fname,&State);
- if(r==0) {
- fp = fopen(fname,"rb");
- if(fp==NULL) {
- strcpy(MOTD,"Unable to read template.");
- msg("load_template: Irritating error, fopen() failed. [ENTER]");
- return;
- }
- fgets(buf,255,fp);
- if(!strcmp(buf,"This file is a product of the Frobozz Magic File Company.\n")) {
- if(Project.Pops!=NULL) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- if(Project.Pops[i].Name!=NULL) {
- free(Project.Pops[i].Name);
- }
- }
- free(Project.Pops);
- }
- if(Project.Name!=NULL) {
- free(Project.Name);
- }
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- strchr(buf,'\n')[0]=0;
- Project.Name = malloc(strlen(buf)-8);
- strcpy(Project.Name,&buf[9]);
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- Project.NumPops = strtol(&buf[13],NULL,0);
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- Project.CLevel = strtol(&buf[14],NULL,0);
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- Project.sep = strtol(&buf[13],NULL,0);
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- Project.flags = strtol(&buf[11],NULL,0);
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),buf[0]=='\n');
- Project.pass = strtol(&buf[11],NULL,0);
- Project.Pops = malloc(Project.NumPops*sizeof(struct NPop));
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- load_pop(fp,i);
- }
- PrVals[0].Val = (long)Project.Name;
- PrVals[1].Val = Project.NumPops;
- PrVals[2].Val = (long)CLNames[Project.CLevel];
- PrVals[3].Val = Project.sep;
- PrVals[4].Val = Project.flags&WIZFLG_PLOT;
- PrVals[5].Val = Project.flags&WIZFLG_PSPLOT;
- sprintf(MOTD,"Template for the %s project loaded.",Project.Name);
- } else {
- strcpy(MOTD,"Unrecognized fileformat.");
- msg("Unrecognized fileformat. [ENTER]");
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- strcpy(MOTD,"Unable to examine template.");
- msg("load_template: File inaccessible. [ENTER]");
- }
- return;
- }
- void load_pop(FILE *fp,int n)
- {
- int i;
- char buf[255];
- while(fgets(buf,255,fp),strncmp(buf,"And now, the ",12));
- strchr(buf,'\n')[0]=0;
- Project.Pops[n].Name = malloc(strlen(buf)-11);
- strcpy(Project.Pops[n].Name,&buf[13]);
- fscanf(fp,"\t%d,%d,",&Project.Pops[n].Size,&Project.Pops[n].Type);
- for(i=0;i!=12;i++) {
- fscanf(fp,"%d,",&Project.Pops[n].Flags[i]);
- }
- for(i=0;i!=6;i++) {
- fscanf(fp,"%d,",&Project.Pops[n].RFlags[i]);
- }
- return;
- }
- void create_project(char *dstdir)
- {
- FILE *fp,*sp;
- char *buf;
- struct NPop *Pops;
- struct stat State;
- int r,rep;
- int i,n;
- buf = malloc(2048);
- Pops = Project.Pops;
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,Project.Name);
- strcat(buf,".c");
- r=stat(buf,&State);
- if(r==0) {
- if(!bool_query("Project exists, overwrite? [y/N] :",NO)) {
- free(buf);
- return;
- }
- }
- rep=0;
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- rep |= Pops[i].RFlags[n];
- }
- }
- Project.rep = rep;
- fp = fopen(buf,"wb");
- if(Project.sep) {
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,Project.Name);
- strcat(buf,"Fitness.c");
- sp = fopen(buf,"wb");
- } else {
- sp = fp;
- }
- if(fp!=NULL && sp!=NULL) {
- switch(Project.CLevel) {
- case 1:
- fprintf(fp,"/*\n *\t%s.c\n *\tCreated by the GAP Conjurer.\n *\n */\n\n",Project.Name);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- fprintf(fp,"/*\n *\t%s.c\n *\tCreated by the GAP Conjurer.\n *\n *\n * Populations:\n",Project.Name);
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp," *\t%s population.\n",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp," */\n\n");
- break;
- case 4:
- fprintf(fp,"/*\n *\t%s.c\n *\tCreated by the GAP Conjurer.\n *\n *\n * Populations:\n",Project.Name);
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp," *\t%s population. (%d individuals initially)\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Size);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[0],InitNames[Pops[i].Flags[0]]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[1],SelectNames[Pops[i].Flags[1]]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[2],CrossoverNames[Pops[i].Flags[2]]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[3],(Pops[i].Flags[3])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[4],(Pops[i].Flags[4])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[5],(Pops[i].Flags[5])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%d)\n",Flags[6],Pops[i].Flags[6]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%d)\n",Flags[7],Pops[i].Flags[7]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[8],(Pops[i].Flags[8])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%d)\n",Flags[9],Pops[i].Flags[9]);
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[10],(Pops[i].Flags[10])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\t\t %-20s(%s)\n",Flags[11],(Pops[i].Flags[11])?"Yes":"No");
- fprintf(fp," *\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp," */\n\n");
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- if(Project.CLevel>2) {
- fprintf(fp,"/* Includes follow */\n");
- }
- i = 0;
- while(includes[i]!=NULL) {
- fprintf(fp,"#include <%s.h>\n",includes[i++]);
- }
- if(rep!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"#include \"report.h\"\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n%s",(Project.CLevel>0)?"/* Population defines. */\n\n":"");
- buf[0]=0;
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- if(Project.CLevel>1) {
- sprintf(buf,"\t/* Initial size of %s population. */",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"#define\t%sSIZE\t%d%s\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Size,buf);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n%s",(Project.CLevel>0)?"/* Population structures. */\n\n":"");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n/*===== %s =====*/\n\n",Pops[i].Name);
- fprintf(fp,"#%s\tZINIT%d\n",(Pops[i].Flags[0]==1)?"define":"undef",i);
- fprintf(fp,"#%s\tMPCROSS%d\n\n",(Pops[i].Flags[2]==1)?"define":"undef",i);
- switch(Pops[i].Type) {
- case PTYPE_Bitstring:
- fprintf(fp,"#define\tSIZE%d\t%d%s\n\n",i,1,(Project.CLevel>1)?"\t/* _BYTE_ length of bitstring. */":"");
- break;
- case PTYPE_Bitmatrix:
- fprintf(fp,"#define\tWIDTH%d\t%d\n",i,8);
- fprintf(fp,"#define\tHEIGHT%d\t%d\n",i,8);
- fprintf(fp,"#define\tXBYTES%d\t((WIDTH%d+7)>>3)\n\n",i,i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_BRVector:
- fprintf(fp,"#define\tVLENGTH%d\t%d\n\nstatic double Constraints%d[VLENGTH%d][2] = {%s\n",i,DEF_BRVLEN,i,i,(Project.CLevel>0)?" /* Constraint ranges. */":"");
- for(n=0;n!=DEF_BRVLEN-1;n++) {
- fprintf(fp," {-1.0,1.0},%s\n",(Project.CLevel>2)?"\t/* This comment is here just to irritate you. */":"");
- }
- fprintf(fp," {-1.0,1.0}\n};\n\n");
- break;
- case PTYPE_Custom:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(fp,"/* Error in population type. */\n\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"struct %s {\n",Pops[i].Name);
- switch(Pops[i].Type) {
- case PTYPE_Bitstring:
- fprintf(fp," unsigned char Data[SIZE%d];\n",i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_Bitmatrix:
- fprintf(fp," unsigned char matrix[HEIGHT%d][XBYTES%d];\n int x,y,xb;\n",i,i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_BRVector:
- fprintf(fp," double\tv[%d];\n",DEF_BRVLEN);
- break;
- case PTYPE_Custom:
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(fp," /* Define custom data for %s here. */\n",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(fp,"/* Error in population type. */\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"};\n\n");
- }
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(fp,"/* Function prototypes follow. */\n\n");
- }
- if(Project.CLevel>1) {
- fprintf(fp,"/* Fitness functions. */\n\n");
- }
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%sdouble %sFitness(struct %s *);\n",(Project.sep!=0)?"extern ":"",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- if(Project.CLevel>1) {
- fprintf(fp,"/* Other functions. */\n\n");
- }
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"void Init%s(struct %s *);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- if(Pops[i].Flags[4]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"void Mutate%s(struct %s *);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"void Cross%s(struct %s *,struct %s *);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- fprintf(fp,"double Compare%s(struct %s *,struct %s *,int);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- fprintf(fp,"void Kill%s(struct %s *);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- }
- /* Create main() */
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(fp,"/*=== Main program starts here. ===*/\n\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"int main(int cnt,char *arg[])\n{\nint\ti%s;\nint\tGenerations=10;\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?",n":"");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"struct Population *%sPop;\n",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- if(rep!=0) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"struct Report *%sRep;\n",Pops[i].Name);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"struct TagItem %sInitTags[] = {\n"\
- " {POP_Init,(IPTR)Init%s},\n"\
- " {POP_Destruct,(IPTR)Kill%s},\n"\
- " {POP_Cache,TRUE},\n"\
- " {TAG_DONE,0L}\n};\n\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"struct TagItem %sEvolveTags[] = {",Pops[i].Name);
- for(n=0;n!=12;n++) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n {%s,",FlagTags[n]);
- switch(n) {
- case 0:
- fprintf(fp,"(IPTR)%sFitness},",Pops[i].Name);
- break;
- case 1:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",SelectDefs[Pops[i].Flags[n]]);
- break;
- case 2:
- fprintf(fp,"(IPTR)Cross%s},",Pops[i].Name);
- break;
- case 3:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",TF(Pops[i].Flags[n]));
- break;
- case 4:
- if(Pops[i].Flags[n]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"(IPTR)Mutate%s},",Pops[i].Name);
- } else {
- fprintf(fp,"NULL},");
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",TF(Pops[i].Flags[n]));
- break;
- case 6:
- fprintf(fp,"%d},",Pops[i].Flags[n]);
- break;
- case 7:
- fprintf(fp,"%d},",Pops[i].Flags[n]);
- break;
- case 8:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",TF(Pops[i].Flags[n]));
- break;
- case 9:
- fprintf(fp,"%d},",Pops[i].Flags[n]);
- break;
- case 10:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",TF(Pops[i].Flags[n]));
- break;
- case 11:
- fprintf(fp,"%s},",TF(Pops[i].Flags[n]));
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(fp,"/* Tag creation error. */\n");
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n {TAG_DONE,0L}\n};\n\n");
- }
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS) {
- fprintf(fp,"struct TagItem ReportTags[] = {\n");
- fprintf(fp,"\t{REP_Generations,0},\n\t{REP_Multipass,TRUE},\n");
- fprintf(fp,"\t{TAG_DONE,0L}\n};\n\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"if(cnt>1) {\n if(strcmp(arg[1],\"-h\")==0 || strcmp(arg[1],\"--help\")==0) {\n"\
- " fprintf(stderr,\"Useage:\\n\\n%%s <Generations>\\n\\n\",arg[0]);\n return(0);\n }\n"\
- " Generations = atoi(arg[1]);\n}\n\nif(Generations<1) {\n Generations=10;\n}\n\n");
- fprintf(fp,"InitRand(time(NULL));\n\n");
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS) {
- fprintf(fp,"ReportTags[0].ti_Data = (IPTR)Generations;\n\n");
- }
- if(rep!=0) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"%sRep = MakeReport(\"%s\",%s);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"ReportTags":"NULL");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS) {
- fprintf(fp,"for(n=0;n!=%d;n++) {",Project.pass);
- if(Project.CLevel>2) {
- sprintf(buf,"\t/* Perform %d runs of this GA. */",Project.pass);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n\n");
- }
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%s%sPop = CreatePopulation(%sSIZE,sizeof(struct %s),%sInitTags);\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n%sif(",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"");
- for(i=0;i!=(Project.NumPops-1);i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%sPop!=NULL && ",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(fp,"%sPop!=NULL) {\n",Pops[i].Name);
- fprintf(fp,"%s\tfor(i=0;i!=Generations;i++) {\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%s\t\t%sPop = Evolve(%sPop,%sEvolveTags);\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- if(rep!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- buf[0]=0;
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- strcat(buf,RepDefs[n]);
- strcat(buf,"|");
- }
- }
- if(buf[0]!=0) {
- buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0;
- fprintf(fp,"%s\t\tDoReport(%sRep,%sPop,%s);\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name,buf);
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp,"%s\t}\n%s}\n\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(fp,"%sif(%sPop!=NULL)DeletePopulation(%sPop);\n",(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS)?"\t":"",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_MPASS) {
- fprintf(fp,"}\n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- if(rep!=0) {
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"if(%sRep!=NULL)EndReport(%sRep);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(rep!=0) {
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_PSPLOT) {
- fprintf(fp,"\nsystem(\"gnuplot MakePS\");\n");
- }
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_PLOT) {
- fprintf(fp,"\nsystem(\"gnuplot ShowReport\");\n");
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\nreturn(0);\n}\n\n");
- /* == End of main() writing code == */
- if(Project.sep!=0) {
- fprintf(sp,"#include <GAP.h>\n#include <math.h>\n\n");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(sp,"double %sFitness(struct %s *);\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(sp,"\n");
- }
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(sp,"/*=== Fitness functions ===*/\n");
- if(Project.CLevel>2) {
- fprintf(sp,"/* Below here are the functions which define how\n * fit an individual is - commponly known as fitness functions.\n */\n\n");
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- fprintf(sp,"double %sFitness(struct %s *Polly)\n{\ndouble fitness=0.0;\n",Pops[i].Name,Pops[i].Name);
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(sp,"/* Write fitness function for %s here. */\n",Pops[i].Name);
- }
- fprintf(sp,"return(fitness);\n}\n\n");
- }
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(fp,"/*=== Crossover, Mutation etc. functions. ===*/\n\n");
- }
- /* Functions */
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- switch(Pops[i].Type) {
- case PTYPE_Bitstring:
- filtdump(fp,Bitstring_c,i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_Bitmatrix:
- filtdump(fp,Bitmatrix_c,i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_BRVector:
- filtdump(fp,BRVector_c,i);
- break;
- case PTYPE_Custom:
- filtdump(fp,Skeleton_c,i);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* == magic == */
- if(Project.CLevel>0) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n/* vi: set ts=3: */ /* vim magic */\n");
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if(fp!=sp) {
- fclose(sp);
- }
- /* Report files. */
- if(rep!=0) {
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,"report.h");
- if(file_write(buf)) {
- if((fp=fopen(buf,"wb"))!=NULL) {
- fwrite(report_h,report_h_SIZE,1,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,"report.c");
- if(file_write(buf)) {
- if((fp=fopen(buf,"wb"))!=NULL) {
- fwrite(report_c,report_c_SIZE,1,fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Makefile */
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,"Makefile");
- if(file_write(buf)) {
- if((fp=fopen(buf,"wb"))!=NULL) {
- filtdump(fp,mk,0);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- /* PostScript(tm) generation script */
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_PSPLOT) {
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,"MakePS");
- if(file_write(buf)) {
- if((fp=fopen(buf,"wb"))!=NULL) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n# PostScript(tm) generation script for GNUPlot.\n# Created by the GAP Conjurer.\n\n");
- fprintf(fp,"set terminal postscript landscape enhanced monochrome\n\n");
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- fprintf(fp,"set output \"%s%s.ps\"\n",Pops[i].Name,RepDefs[n]);
- fprintf(fp,"set title \"%s %s\"\n",Pops[i].Name,RepNames[n]);
- fprintf(fp,"plot \"%s.%s\" with lines\n\n",Pops[i].Name,RepExts[n]);
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- if(Project.flags&WIZFLG_PLOT) {
- strcpy(buf,dstdir);
- addpart(buf,"ShowReport");
- if(file_write(buf)) {
- if((fp=fopen(buf,"wb"))!=NULL) {
- fprintf(fp,"\n# Report display script for GNUPlot.\n# Generated by the GAP Conjurer.\n\n");
- buf[0] = 0;
- for(i=0;i!=Project.NumPops;i++) {
- for(n=0;n!=6;n++) {
- if(Pops[i].RFlags[n]!=0) {
- sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],"\t\"%s.%s\" with lines,\\\n",Pops[i].Name,RepExts[n]);
- }
- }
- }
- buf[strlen(buf)-3] = 0;
- fprintf(fp,"plot \\\n%s",buf);
- fprintf(fp,"\npause -1 \"Press enter to continue...\"");
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- strcpy(MOTD,"Created project.");
- } else {
- strcpy(MOTD,"Error creating project.");
- msg("create_project: Unable to open file for writing. [ENTER]");
- }
- free(buf);
- return;
- }
- char *addpart(char *buf,char *fname)
- {
- int l;
- l = strlen(buf);
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if(buf[l-1]==DIR_SEPARATOR || buf[l-1]==':' || buf[0]==0) {
- #else
- if(buf[l-1]==DIR_SEPARATOR || buf[0]==0) {
- #endif
- strcat(buf,fname);
- } else {
- buf[l+1]=0;
- strcat(buf,fname);
- }
- return(buf);
- }
- void filtdump(FILE *fp,char *data,int indx)
- {
- int i,n;
- int z;
- i = -1;
- while((z=data[++i])) {
- if(z=='$') {
- z=data[++i];
- switch(z) {
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- n = z-'1';
- if(Project.CLevel>n) {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$') {
- fputc(z,fp);
- }
- } else {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$');
- }
- break;
- case 'N':
- fprintf(fp,Project.Pops[indx].Name);
- break;
- case 'I':
- fprintf(fp,"%d",indx);
- break;
- case '$':
- fputc('$',fp);
- break;
- case 'P':
- fprintf(fp,Project.Name);
- break;
- case 'U':
- if(Project.sep!=0) {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$' || data[i+1]=='$') {
- if(z=='$') {
- i++;
- fputc('$',fp);
- } else {
- fputc(z,fp);
- }
- }
- } else {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$' || data[i+1]=='$') {
- if(z=='$') {
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'R':
- if(Project.rep!=0) {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$' || data[i+1]=='$') {
- if(z=='$') {
- i++;
- fputc('$',fp);
- } else {
- fputc(z,fp);
- }
- }
- } else {
- while((z=data[++i])!='$' || data[i+1]=='$') {
- if(z=='$') {
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"Illegal control token, corrupted memory?\n");
- }
- } else {
- fputc(z,fp);
- }
- };
- }
- int file_write(char *fname)
- {
- int r,i=0;
- struct stat State;
- char buf[255];
- r=stat(fname,&State);
- if(r==0) {
- sprintf(buf,"%s exists, overwrite? " DEFN " : ",fname);
- if(bool_query(buf,NO)) {
- i = 1;
- }
- } else {
- switch(errno) {
- case ENOENT:
- i = 1;
- break;
- case EBUSY:
- msg("File already in use. [ENTER]");
- i = 0;
- break;
- case EPERM:
- msg("Access denied. [ENTER]");
- i = 0;
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(buf,"Unexpected forseen but unknown error on file \"%s\". [ENTER]",fname);
- msg(buf);
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- return(i);
- }